Whether you are a contractor, garage, restaurant, or any other type of business, commercial insurance can play an imperative role in helping you prosper because you are properly protected.

As a business owner, you need the same kinds of insurance coverages for the car you use in your business as you do for a car used for personal travel liability, collision and comprehensive, medical payments (known as personal injury protection in some states) and coverage for uninsured motorists. In fact, many business people use the same vehicle for both business and pleasure. If the vehicle is owned by the business, make sure the name of the business appears on the policy as the “principal insured” rather than your personal name. This will avoid possible confusion in the event that you need to file a claim or a claim is filed against you.

Whether you need to buy a business auto insurance policy will depend on the kind of driving you do. A good insurance agent will ask you many details  about how you use  vehicles in your business, who will be driving them and whether employees, if you have them, are likely to be driving their own cars  for your business.

While the major coverages are the same, a business auto policy differs from a personal auto policy in many technical respects. Ask your insurance agent to explain all the  differences and options.

Commercial Auto Insurance Considerations

Inventory Protection
Property Protection
Liability Protection
Pollution Coverage on and off-premise
Customer vehicle protection while in your care

Additional Factors

Type of vehicles
Use of vehicles (including food trucks)
Number of drivers
Machinery or constructed related vehicles
Coverage for employees driving their own vehicles for business purposes

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