New York State DMV Approved
10% Insurance Reduction for 3 Years
Up to 4 Points off Your License
100% Online — No Final Exam!

NewYorkSafetyCouncil.com provides a New York DMV-approved defensive driving course for drivers to reduce up to four points on their driver’s license and get a mandatory car insurance discount for 3 years. This online course can be completed from the comfort of your home, or while you’re on the go with a mobile device. Our experience has allowed us to develop a defensive driving course that is easy, fast, and affordable.

Simply sign-up and then you can begin taking the course right away! The Defensive Driving course takes six hours or 320 minutes to complete, as mandated by the state of New York – but don’t worry, you don’t have to take it all at once. You have 30 days to complete the course and you may sign off and on as often as you need. After successful completion of the course, we will mail you your original certificate of completion. It’s that easy!