Common Insurance Needs for Summer Months
Whether you plan to take the summer off or your business is entering one of its busiest seasons, both individuals and business owners must protect themselves against unforeseen hazards that arise when the weather gets warmer. There are common insurance needs in the summer months that should be considered in the interest of mitigating risk and protecting your business and other valued assets from costly damage or claims.

Summer storms can cause major flooding during the warmer months. Because standard homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover damage caused by flooding, one of the most popular insurance needs in the summer months is supplemental flood insurance.

From swimming in pools to jumping on trampolines, outdoor play increases during the summer months and so does the risk of accidents. Taking safety precautions like never letting children swim or play unattended and building gates around these play areas are important. But it’s also essential to ensure adequate liability coverage or umbrella insurance as part of your homeowners’ policy in the event that something goes wrong.

If you plan to rent out your primary residence or vacation home this summer, you should consider added protection. Adding a rider to an existing insurance policy and purchasing a business or landlord policy are just some of the ways you can protect against claims related to property damage, personal property theft or damage, or other costly events when renting your property.

Hull insurance covers damage to any remote control models or drones. This can include recreational usage or business usage (such as drone photography). Additionally, On-Boarding Insurance would cover damage to anything these devices would be carrying (such as a camera).
You may also want coverage to protect yourself from liability, should your vehicle damage any person or property.