Protect Your Packages (And Your Home) During the Holidays

There’s almost nothing more convenient than online ordering – and this year will be a holiday season like no other.

With smaller gatherings and social circles, you’ll likely be shipping more packages to friends and family you’d normally see in person over the holidays.

Unfortunately, more packages being delivered could increase the risk of package theft. A study by C+R Research estimates that 36% of survey respondents have had a package swiped from their doorstep before they could retrieve it, and over 50% knew someone who’d had a package stolen.

Since online shopping is only predicted to increase, here are a few steps to protect your deliveries from what are commonly called porch pirates.


  • Install a smart device. Various smart gadgets on the market can help keep packages secure. A video doorbell allows you to see and speak to the delivery person at your door through your mobile device. You can ask them to leave the package in an inconspicuous spot or activate your smart lock and have them leave it inside your door.
  • Contact your carrier. Do a little detective work, and you may uncover some options through the delivery service. Many carriers now offer flexible options that let you schedule or reroute deliveries. For example, you could have them dropped off and held at a retailer near you, or deposited in a secure locker, such as gopost from the USPS. Before you order, check the alternative offerings from the carrier.
  • Check your credit card policies. Some credit card companies offer protection against package theft to help you recover your losses. For specifics, get in touch with your credit card company to find out if this coverage is available and for how much.
  • Track your packages. Reputable retailers often offer free package tracking so you can see when your purchase ships and where it stops along its journey to your front door. Being able to see when it might arrive can help you protect that package from theft.


Once you have your packages inside your home, you’ll want to protect them, and your own belongings, from holiday thieves. Here are some tips to help protect your home during the holidays.

  • Keep doors locked. This almost goes without saying, but make sure you keep your doors and windows locked. According to 2019 data from the FBI, 37% of burglaries are unlawful entries, suggesting that doors and windows were not secured.
  • Shore up your garage’s weaknesses. This part of the house has some weak points that make it pretty easy for an intruder to work their way in. If you park your car in the driveway, don’t keep the garage opener in your car; keep it in the house. Never store gifts in the garage, especially if your garage has windows and non-deadbolt locks on exterior doors. Finally, always use the deadbolt to secure the door from the garage into the house.
  • Create that at-home look. With those short days and long nights, it’s a good idea to put your lights on a timer. You can also have a neighbor or family member park in your driveway intermittently. It’s a great way to fool a burglar into thinking of someone’s home.
  • Discard wisely. What’s a sure sign to a burglar that your home is now filled with expensive gadgets? Empty boxes stacked next to your recycling bin. Instead, load them up in your car and find a place where you can drop these off.
  • Conceal your gifts. Some people like to have gifts out ahead of the actual holiday. If these are visible from the outside, it can be tempting to a burglar. Keep your shades or drapes drawn. Or, if you like showing off your holiday decorations to your neighbors, consider storing the wrapped gifts in a closet or some other out-of-sight place until the big day.
  • Be social media savvy. Do take lots of pictures of your holiday vacation or the delighted faces of your loved ones opening gifts, but be mindful of what you share online and when you share them. (Tip: You may want to wait until after you’re safely home to post on social media.)

11 Things to Do Before Leaving Home for the Holidays

If you plan to travel over the holiday season, you’re in good company.

Whether you’re headed near or far, don’t forget to look after your empty home. No one wants to dampen the holidays by returning to a burst pipe or a burglary.

Fortunately, taking a few simple steps can help you rest easy… and the right homeowners’ insurance can give you peace of mind, too. Follow these tips to keep your home safe and cozy – even while you’re away.


Burglars are less likely to target your place if they think someone’s home. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  • Find a friend. Ask a trusted neighbor, family member, or friend if they’re willing to keep an eye on your place. (Pro tip: Have a backup on hand, just in case.) Even if they’re not house-sitting around the clock, it helps to have someone who can pop by on occasion and alert you right away if anything looks “off.” Ask them to keep an eye on the exterior, both front, and back. Give them a key so they can do a walk-through at least once. If they discover a broken or opened door or window, they should not enter the home and instead call law enforcement immediately.
  • Take care of mail and deliveries. If someone can collect it, that’s also an easy way to keep tabs on your place. Otherwise, simply request that the postal service hold your mail. This is the holiday season, of course, so leave instructions for all packages too.
  • Plan for trash pickup: Ask someone to move your bins. If your trash and recycling are sitting on the curb for longer than usual, that’s a dead giveaway that no one’s home.
  • Don’t forget snow removal. Nothing screams “No one’s home!” like a driveway heaping with untouched snow. Hire someone to come by to shovel or plow your driveway and walkways. Ask a neighbor to pull up and turn around in your driveway from time to time, just to leave fresh tracks.
  • Program your lights: You don’t need anything fancy – even a $20 smart plug can let you control your lights from anywhere with just an app. Old-school mechanical timers work just as well, too. Turn the TV on once in a while for good measure. The only rule? Don’t keep your house dark for days on end – that’s a surefire way to attract a burglar’s attention.”
  • Go high-tech: Today’s home automation systems and connected home apps make it easy to keep things running smoothly when you’re away. If you’re the tech-savvy type, you’ve got options. Consider a video doorbell; motorized window treatments; or smart bulbs to make it look like you never left. (Other smart home tech like security cameras, sensors or smart locks can give you peace of mind, too.)
  • Be mindful of what you post: Everyone loves adding a great selfie to their story, but consider waiting until you get home. Excessive posting is a reminder to those who follow you on social media that you’re away and could leave your home vulnerable to theft.


Your home is probably your biggest investment. If your travel plans are scheduled for longer than a few days, here’s a quick list of things to check for safety before you leave.

  • Locks and alarms: This one’s obvious, but make sure your doors are locked and your alarm system is set (if you have one). Secure any other entrances, too, such as your garage, windows, or pet doors.
  • Thermostat: If you have a pet-free house, you can go ahead and lower the temperature to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s warm enough to keep things from freezing but cool enough to give your furnace and energy usage a break.
  • Water: Plunging temps can cause pipes to freeze and burst, causing thousands of dollars of damage to your home. Even a simple leak could slowly empty water and damaged appliances, furniture, and much more. Turn off the water main in your home before you leave. Then, drain the pipes by flushing the toilets and turning on the faucets. Finally, turn your water heater down to “vacation mode” so you aren’t spending money on keeping water warm when you’re not around.
  • Electronics: Appliances can suck energy when they’re plugged in and not in use. Unplug everything that will not be in use while you’re away, including your washer and dryer, television, computer, toaster and coffee maker.
    Whether you’re traveling near or far, a little care and preparation ahead of time can help minimize the risk of something going awry. That way, you’re free to be present and make the holidays magical and bright with the ones you love.

How to Avoid Hitting a Deer

Autumn is beautiful, but it also introduces some fall driving hazards… deer collisions being one of them. From October to December, mating and hunting season make deer go on the move. For drivers, that means you’re more likely to hit one.

But have you ever wondered how your auto insurance can cover hitting a deer? Are deer collisions covered by comprehensive or collision coverage?

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, deer-vehicle collisions are the top animal-related claim in the U.S. Before you get too worried, here are some helpful tips on how to avoid hitting a deer… and how to handle things if you end up hitting one despite your best efforts.


  1. Know where the deer are likely to be. Areas with high deer populations are normally marked with a bright yellow sign. Deer also tend to graze in wooded areas or open fields. When driving your usual route to work, be attentive to areas where you’ve seen deer in the past – they are likely to cross there again.
  2. Be alert at sunrise and sunset. Deer are more active during dawn and dusk hours.
  3. Use your high beams. When possible, use your high beams for better visibility. The extra light will help make it easier to spot a deer, or other animals, lurking alongside the road.
  4. Don’t rely on deer gadgets. Whether it’s a deer whistle, deer fence or other type of product to scare away the deer… don’t rely solely on them to keep deer away. Research isn’t exact on whether or not these products truly work.
  5. When you see one… you’ll probably see more. Deer travel in groups. If one comes across your path, proceed with caution in case there are more.
  6. Don’t swerve. Swerving isn’t always the safest option. Hitting a deer might often cause less damage than swerving to avoid it… and then hitting a more dangerous obstacle, like a vehicle in oncoming traffic.
  7. Wear your seat belt. If you do hit a deer, wearing a seat belt decreases your chances of injury.
  8. Spread the word. When friends or family head out on the road, let them know to be careful and alert. Even a simple reminder can help prevent deer collisions.


Taking the above precautions can help you avoid hitting a deer… but nothing can entirely rule out the possibility. Here are steps you can take after you hit a deer.

  1. Pull over. Move your vehicle to a safe place off the road. Don’t forget to turn on your hazard lights.
  2. Stay away from the deer. An injured deer can still lash out and hurt someone.
  3. Assess the damage. When you’re out of harm’s way, examine your vehicle and take photographs of any damage to your car. Use good judgement to know if your car is safe to drive or if you’ll need to call for a tow truck.
  4. Call for help. Depending on the circumstances, consider calling the police or an animal expert. While it’s not always required to file a police report, it can provide evidence if you decide to make an insurance claim. If the deer is still in the middle of the road, a trained professional from animal control, the game commission or your local fish and wildlife service can move it away for everyone’s safety.
  5. Know if you should file an insurance claim. An insurance professional can help you make the decision based on the specifics of your auto insurance policy. Talking with someone you already know and who is familiar with the claims process can help put your mind more at ease.


You can’t always predict if a deer will walk into your path, but if one does, we’re here to help get you back on the road as soon as possible.

We can help you customize an auto insurance package that fits your needs and budget.

Why You Shouldn’t Cut Corners on Business Insurance

Owning a small business can be one of life’s greatest balancing acts. Every day there’s the stress of managing employees, finding (and retaining) customers and monitoring cash flow. And on top of that, you’ll always feel the pressure to keep costs down — and productivity up.

For business owners looking to boost their bottom line, cutting back on insurance expenses can be a real temptation. After all, insurance premiums are usually a fixed cost. Especially if you’ve never had to file a claim, those monthly payments can feel like just another bill to pay.

But without adequate protection, an accident of any kind could be detrimental to the business you’ve worked so hard to build. Here’s why cutting corners on business insurance doesn’t pay off.


Like your personal home and auto policies, business insurance is meant to help business get back to normal after an accident, which can include lawsuits, property damage, injuries and more.

As a result, business insurance is a necessary expense. But that doesn’t mean it’s without return. Here are some benefits to having the right commercial insurance.

  • Stay legal. Depending on the state you operate in, certain policies may be required by law, regardless of your business’ size. For example, many states require a business owner to purchase workers’ compensation insurance, even if you only have a single employee.
  • Care for employees. As a small business owner, your employees are like members of the family. And you depend on them to help run your business. Workers’ compensation can cover medical care and lost wages if they’re injured on the job.
  • Protect your business from the unexpected. Sometimes, accidents happen. The right insurance coverage can protect your business after something unexpected happens, such as if you become legally liable for injuries suffered by a customer after something like a slip-and-fall accident at your business.
  • Boost your reputation. Solid protection can instill confidence from employees and clients alike. Having coverage that’s in everyone’s best interest shows others that you’re willing to invest in their safety and well-being.
  • Qualify for contracts. Securing a new business contract often requires you to have minimum limits of certain business insurance coverages, especially if loans are involved.
  • Recover from natural disasters. Mother Nature can level businesses and make recovery seem impossible. The right coverage can help put your mind at ease and get you back to work.
  • Cover legal costs. Lawsuits are notorious for taking up time and racking up bills. Business insurance can help you prepare for interruptions and keep legal costs from emptying your bank account.


Many times, cutting back on your business insurance coverage can expose you to far more risk than the premiums you’ll save are worth. If you’re looking for savings, here are some tips to help keep costs in check without sacrificing protection:

  • Review your policy annually. Meet with us to review your policy each year and make sure your coverage is up to date. A policy review can help ensure every asset is accounted for, and that every opportunity for savings is taken advantage of.
  • Maintain proper employee classifications. Employee class codes have implications, especially in dangerous work environments. Make sure that you and your team are accurately classified to save money and protect your workers.
  • Keep coverage during every season. During slow seasons, you might be tempted to let your coverage lapse. However, lapsed coverage leaves your business vulnerable and could lead to fees and higher rates. Every business’s circumstances are different, but generally speaking, it’s wise to consider year-round coverage.
  • Bundle your coverages. Many insurance providers offer savings when you purchase multiple policies with them. Take advantage of multi-policy discounts, get more comprehensive protection and ease the claims process by bundling business insurance with one provider.
  • Create a safer environment. Train and educate employees on workplace safety to help reduce rates and liabilities.
  • Upgrade your security. Find weaknesses in your physical and digital security systems. Decreasing the chances of a break-in or data breach could help reduce payments and stop an incident from happening in the first place.
  • Pay annually. If you can afford the upfront cost, consider paying your insurance premiums annually. You’ll skip fees that might be associated with monthly payments, and you can relax knowing you have year-round coverage and one less bill to worry about.
  • Add endorsements. Endorsements can help address coverage gaps for sometimes pennies on the dollar. Ask your insurance agent which endorsements would benefit you the most or bundle well with your current policy.


No matter the trick-or-treaters’ game plan, they are ready for a candy bonanza – and that starts with a knock at your door. So don’t let slips, trips and falls dampen anyone’s night. Make sure you fit in a simple safety check before you fill the candy bowl.

  1. Clear the walkways. Toys, rakes, errant stones — clear them all out of the way before trick-or-treating starts. (Wet leaves are an especially slippery culprit!) A quick clean-up is one of the easiest ways to make your home safer from slip, trip and fall hazards.
  2. Light it up. Turn on your exterior lights, including any flood lights, to help create a safe path for trick-or-treaters. Check these early so you have time to replace any burned-out bulbs.
  3. Corral your pets. With all the doorbells and visitors, Halloween can be stressful for your animals  – and even a well behaved pet can bite or scratch when they feel anxious. A constantly opening door makes it easy for furry friends to escape, too. A better idea? Keep pets in a secured room or wing of the house.
  4. Lock all other doors. Mischief can happen when you’re doling out candy, so play it safe by locking all of your other doors. (That includes any garage and car doors, too!) The FBI reports that approximately 30% of all burglaries are committed without force courtesy of an unlocked door or window.
  5. Check your railing. If it feels rickety, take the time to secure it in place.
  6. Skip candles. Yes, they give your pumpkins that spooky glow. But a live flame isn’t worth the fire risk you consider all the draping costumes and accessories that will whiz by the flame. Pro tip: Opt for the flameless variety instead.
  7. Consider your candy choices. Many kids are allergic to candy ingredients like nuts. To help them enjoy the holiday, The Teal Pumpkin Project encourages leaving a teal pumpkin on your stoop to let trick-or-treaters know that you have non-food treats like stickers and toys on hand.
  8. Pick a good spot. If you have a lot of stairs or a long, winding path, consider handing out candy at the end of your driveway.
  9. Comb your yard. With all luck, the kiddos will stay on sidewalks and driveways. But they may wander. Clear out sticks, objects or other tripping hazards from your yard.

Cyber Security Checklist: Cover Your Bases

Cover Your Bases Across Regulatory Compliance, Insurance and Privacy Training

If you’ve watched the news in the last few months, you already know cyber events are no joke. Recent ransomware attacks, including at Colonial Pipeline, have significantly impacted critical infrastructure and supply chains, resulting in millions of dollars in losses.

For businesses large and small, compliance with federal, state and foreign privacy laws and regulations has become an essential obligation. These laws govern a company’s collection, storage, use, sharing and disposal of personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI) and payment card information (PCI). A company’s inadvertent failure to abide by these laws, or its failure to timely and fully disclose how it performs such tasks, can make it a target for regulatory proceedings and civil class actions. These lapses can also be a source of reputational damage.

Failure to protect private information can also lead to consumer class actions. And, organizations could be presented with shareholder suits if the value of an organization is harmed due to a cybersecurity event.

Here are a few things you can do to ensure adequate risk mitigation and protection for businesses of all sizes.

1 – Don’t ignore data security and privacy compliance.

2 – Create and memorialize regulatory compliance policies and procedures.

3 – Make sure your website is up to date with the most applicable laws.

4 – Conduct an audit, to get a health check of your cyber security status.

5 – Purchase a broad cyber liability insurance policy, which can protect you from enduring substantial loss should you have a cyber breach.

In today’s world, risk transfer alone isn’t enough to protect a business from the implications of a cyberattack. The right combination of a well-placed cyber liability insurance policy, compliance knowledge and review, employee training, and loss mitigation services are an effective approach to reduce a company’s cyber risks and potential exposures.

Top Fall Driving Hazards (And How to Handle Them)

Fall is a favorite time of year for many.  Changing leaves, plaid shirts and pumpkin spice everything is just a start.  But we also get shorter days, falling leaves, and that first frost of the season.

Drivers should be mindful of these changes, as this can alter your driving in ways you might not expect.


As the weather cools down, the rain picks up. Combine that with lower temperatures and you’ll find your tires may have less grip than they did in the summer months.

To start, always drive cautiously in wet conditions – that includes driving slower than you would on a dry road. And be on the lookout for wet leaves, which can be as slick as ice.

It’s also important to check your tires to ensure they have enough tread. Insert a penny into your tread with Abraham Lincoln’s head upside down and facing you. If you insert the penny all the way and all of Lincoln’s head is still showing, that means your tread has worn down and it’s time for new tires.

Driving too fast for the conditions or cruising on worn tires can lead to hydroplaning.


Deer are most active from October to January, especially during the dusk and dawn hours. If you’ve ever seen the aftermath of a deer collision, you know it can do severe damage to your vehicle.

Avoid deer on the roadways by slowing down during peak hours, paying attention to road signs and using your high beams to increase visibility when possible.


The days get shorter in the fall, so you’ll find yourself driving in the dark more often. This is another peak time for accidents.

Make sure you’re staying alert during nighttime hours. Be on the lookout for pedestrians and turn your headlights on during dawn or dusk hours. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles and know when to swerve if there’s an object in the road.


The kids are back to school. The house is quieter. But if you drive just before the school day starts or after it ends…you’re in for lots of crosswalks and bus stops.

Since more kids are walking and biking to school, you’ll need to stay alert around schools and neighborhoods. Be aware of bus safety and school drop-off procedures as well. And if you’d like to avoid the risk altogether, consider finding a new route to avoid these high-traffic areas.

It’s always important to be prepared. But even the most cautious drivers can find themselves face-to-face with something unexpected.

How to Choose an Executor for Your Will

While no one likes thinking about their own mortality, writing a will is an important part of planning for your family’s future.

When creating a will, you start by deciding who will receive your assets when you’re gone. But this is just the first step. Once your plan is on paper, someone still has to make sure your final wishes are met and your family is cared for.

That someone is your executor – the person designated to perform all the legal tasks related to your last will and testament. It’s a big job. So before you write down a name, seriously consider the responsibilities to determine who might be a good fit.


Your executor doesn’t have to be a professional. All it takes is a patient, mature person who can handle the responsibility.

The duties of an executor include:

  • Offering your will for probate
  • Taking inventory and managing your assets
  • Using your estate’s funds to pay bills, including taxes, funeral and burial costs
  • Notifying banks, creditors, and government agencies of the death
  • Distributing assets to beneficiaries
  • Preparing and filing final income tax returns
  • Paying off any debts


Because of the significant responsibilities placed on your executor, not everyone will be right for the job. Here are some tips on how to choose an executor for your will:

  1. Choose someone you trust. Pick someone who is emotionally and financially wise. It helps if you know your executor will be humble enough to ask for help if things get complicated, too.
  2. Name a successor. Ideally, your executor will outlive you. But in the event that doesn’t happen, it’s always wise to name a successor – just in case.
  3. Avoid any feuds. When it comes to dividing your estate, tensions can run high. Choose a neutral party that will cause the least amount of conflict. Consider a group who works well together, or someone outside of the family to minimize disputes.
  4. Choose someone qualified. Make sure your first choice is a legal one. In most cases, non-U.S. citizens, felons and minors can’t act as executors. If your executor is young – such as a son or daughter – you can request that he or she only acts as executor after reaching a certain age.
  5. Find a third party, if needed. Consider using a bank, trust company, or other professional to manage your estate. Third parties can ease the burden for loved ones, and the cost can be covered from your estate.
  6. Change if necessary. As your life and relationships change, you may want to consider changing your executor, too. Periodically review your will to ensure your executor is still someone you trust to serve your estate.
  7. Get their approval. Always talk to your executor about the role beforehand.  Go over your will so they’re prepared for the work ahead. This will make it less overwhelming for them when the time comes.

What to Expect from a Life Insurance Exam

The process to get a life insurance policy isn’t that different from what you’re used to.  You find a company you trust and work with a trusted professional to determine how much coverage you need.

However, with some life policies, there’s one main difference: you have to get a life insurance medical exam. Keep reading to find out how it works and what to expect.


A life insurance medical exam, more commonly referred to as a “paramedical exam” by insurance professionals, is an opportunity for your life insurance company to review your medical history and collect information for your life insurance application.

There are typically two stages to this exam: a verbal questionnaire and an examination done by a health professional, usually a paramedical professional or a nurse.


Just like an insurance agent asks you questions about your vehicle and driving habits when you’re quoting for an auto policy, your life insurance company wants to learn more about you before issuing you a life policy. An exam helps them to:

  1. Verify the information you originally gave when applying for a life insurance policy.
  2. Get a more complete medical history. The questionnaire goes into more detail about your family’s medical history.
  3. Identify any underlying conditions. A more in-depth view of your medical history and results from your bloodwork may reveal a condition you were unaware you are at risk for, or might already have – for example, diabetes.

However, not all life policies require you to get a life insurance medical exam. Life policies below $100,000 typically require you to only complete an application and answer several questions before it is reviewed by an underwriter.1 Your agent will assist you in completing the application, you will sign it and your agent submit it for underwriting review.

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